Newest must have: KT Tape

I feel like I have to get real with myself: I'm most likely going to be dealing with tendonitis for the rest of my dance career. Fortunately, I am always discovering new ways to care for my legs so that I can keep pushing through and getting back to the stage. My newest obsession: KT Tape!

I had no clue KT Tape existed until about a year and a half ago when I sprained my ankle and a fellow dancer suggested I use KT Tape during the recovery. I gave it a try, and wow! It gives support like a brace, but doesn't restrict movement the way most braces do. It can also possibly aid in healing by helping to circulate the lymphatic fluid.

I got the beige-ish color and it can be fairly easy to conceal under tights for a performance (depending on costume, and where the tape is). I had a show on the 11th and wore tape during my variation to help me get through. I am now wearing the "Extreme" version with extra strength adhesive so that I can wear it all week long and it won't fall off while I recover from overworking my achilles.

*   *   *

It has been a week since the show. I've been taking it very easy to give my tendons time to recover after pushing through a show. It has begun to feel a little better. I am still icing it regularly, wearing my KT Tape, and taking Ibuprofen after dancing or working out. Hoping it stops hurting soon. I love to jump, but have had to make myself sit out of those portions of company class in order to "save" my legs.

I will do some more check ins periodically on how my achilles are doing.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions on treating tendonitis!

Thanks for checking out the blog!



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